Let's Spring into action

With daily temperatures on the rise across Queensland, tenants should take this opportunity to spring clean their rental property as well as check for general repairs and maintenance now.

Bathrooms and other areas of the home that may become damp over winter months should be aired out regularly to prevent any mould from forming.

Although property managers/owners are responsible for repairs, maintenance and making sure the rental property is fit to live in, tenants also have a role in keeping their home clean and free from damage.

Checking gutters and maintaining non-essential appliances inside the home becomes all the more important as summer and the storm season looms around the corner.

Clearing the gutters, removing large overhanging branches around the rental property can ensure you are well-prepared ahead of the storm season and minimise any risk of damage. Find more information on the Queensland Fire Department website to help you get ready for bushfire, cyclone, and storm season.

Non-essential appliances, such as the air-conditioner, should undergo regular and proper maintenance so they can operate in full swing when summer rolls around. Tenants and property manager/owners should check the operational instructions as to what is required. This could involve regular cleaning of air filters, checking thermostat settings and for any leaks.

Being pro-active now can save you time and potential delays when summer arrives.

Find out more about repairs and maintenance of a rental property, or contact the RTA direct on 1300 366 311.

Original publication on 14 Sep 2018
Last updated on 22 Sep 2022

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