Organisational structure

The RTA administers the Act and is responsible to the Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Youth.

The RTA is governed by a Board of Directors which consists of a Chair and six directors.

The organisational structure includes the Chief Executive Officer and five divisions.

Corporate governance

The RTA’s decision-making processes are informed by compliance and transparency and our corporate governance framework is based on the Queensland Auditor-General’s model and includes far‑reaching accountability processes.

Our commitment to the Queensland Government’s focus on integrity and accountability underpins our existing corporate governance processes. The RTA's operations, performance and compliance is reported in detail through the annual report.

The RTA’s main functions are to:

  • provide tenancy information
  • manage rental bonds
  • provide a dispute resolution service
  • investigate offences under the Act and prosecute where appropriate
  • provide community education
  • provide advice to the Minister about residential tenancy and rooming accommodation issues and the operation of the Act, and
  • monitor sector data and conduct research.

We support the Queensland residential rental sector through accessible, flexible and targeted services within a legislative framework.

Divisions of the RTA

Finance & Assurance Services
  • Finance
  • Governance, Legal, Risk & Compliance
  • Government Relations
  • Housing Legislation Implementation Project team
Digital Business Centre
  • Service & Integration
  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Solutions
  • Business Intelligence
People & Culture
  • Communication & Education
  • Human Resource Services
  • Learning & Organisational Development
  • Stakeholder Engagement
Customer Experience
  • Bond Management & Support
  • Contact Centre & Dispute Resolution
  • Workforce Optimisation
  • Customer Experience Improvement & Delivery
Transformation Office
  • Enterprise Change
  • Portfolio Management Office

Finance & Assurance Services (FAS)

This division is responsible for a broad range of key activities that ensure the financial stability of the RTA, as well as key responsibilities including the development and monitoring of the RTA’s strategic and operational plans, management of government relationships and whole of government reporting, enforcement of the Act, and overseeing the RTA’s portfolio of projects and programs. 

FAS TeamDescription
Partners across the business to add value through meaningful financial analysis and timely reporting. 
Governance, Legal, Risk & ComplianceA multi-disciplinary team incorporating governance, legal, risk, facilities, board secretariat, compliance and enforcement services. 
Government RelationsManages the relationships between our government stakeholders and the RTA. Provides support and direction on business strategy and business planning and manages the Service Delivery Statement and the Estimates Hearing process. 
Housing Legislation Implementation Project TeamResponsible for the implementation of the Housing Legislation Amendment Act 2021 and Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Act 2024.


Digital Business Centre (DBC)

The DBC is responsible for supporting the RTA’s business systems, standard operating environments and applications, as well as maintaining records, and providing business intelligence to facilitate strategic direction and good decision making. 

DBC TeamDescription
Service & IntegrationProvides leadership, governance and oversight of information management that supports the effective collection, extraction, maintenance, use and dissemination of information gathered while conducting RTA’s daily business. This business unit is also responsible for vendor management and cyber security services. 
Cyber SecurityResponsible for protecting the RTA’s digital assets through proactive security management, monitoring, governance and compliance with industry best practice.
Digital SolutionsResponsible for implementing the digital and technology delivery portfolio across the MyRTA Modernisation Program and our residual legacy platforms. This team also delivers other projects under the Digital Strategy and, in conjunction with technology partner Idea 11, monitors, maintains and enhances our core business systems, applications and processes. 
Business IntelligenceResponsible for providing expert reporting and analysis for the RTA on residential tenancies and housing data, as well as organisational performance data for internal and external audiences. 


People & Culture (P&C)

The People & Culture division partners with and supports the business to help drive a high performing, values-focused culture through the fundamental services of Communication & Education, Human Resource Services, Learning & Organisational Development and Change Management. 

P&C TeamDescription
Communication & EducationPlays a critical role in keeping our people and our customers informed and engaged to promote RTA services and legislative information to best support everyone in Queensland's rental sector. The team is responsible for the RTA’s corporate communication activities; media relations; educational content, resources and campaigns; digital experience, design and delivery; and brand and graphic design. 
Stakeholder EngagementSupports the RTA to achieve its strategic objective to extend positive influence and impact in the rental sector by facilitating strong and collaborative relationships with stakeholders. The team is responsible for embedding the Stakeholder Engagement Framework through activities that enhance the RTA’s leadership role, increase tailored customer service delivery, improve employee capability, and ensure governance is in place to underpin strategic stakeholder engagement.
Human Resource ServicesA multi-functional team that works to ensure that the RTA attracts, engages, and retains top talent within our organisation. The team provides essential services including payroll and recruitment and is also responsible for the RTA’s Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan, which incorporates the popular health and wellbeing program for our people. 
Learning & Organisational DevelopmentEnsures we have the right capability within our teams to drive a high performing culture. Key focus areas to help our people thrive include quality assurance, learning and development, leadership capability programs, engagement surveys, performance management, and talent and succession planning. 


Customer Experience (CX)

The CX division provides our customers with personalised tenancy information, bond support and information, and dispute resolution services. 

CX TeamDescription
Bond ManagementProcesses requests in relation to rental bond lodgements, refunds, and updates to rental bonds. 
Contact CentreAnswers customer enquiries throughout Queensland, aiming to resolve issues and provide relevant information at the first point of contact. 
Dispute ResolutionProvides unbiased conciliation support to help resolve tenancy and bond disagreements. 
SupportProvides specialised help to customers who require additional support with self-resolution strategies, bond queries, and the use of our Web Services. 
Workforce OptimisationProvides workforce optimisation strategies and support services across the Customer Experience division.
Customer Experience Improvement and DeliveryIdentifies and delivers continuous improvement initiatives to enhance service quality and streamline processes to improve the overall customer experience aligned to the RTA Strategic Plan 2022-26.


Transformation Office (TO)

The Transformation Office is responsible for driving a targeted and coordinated approach to the organisation’s transformation program, ensuring internal and external stakeholders are prepared for, and supported through change.

TO TeamDescription
Enterprise ChangeWorks with internal and external stakeholders to support and prepare for change across the organisation.
Portfolio Management OfficeProvides the frameworks, resources and support to enable successful delivery of RTA's projects from concept to completion.