As of 21 June 2021, the RTA’s office is now located at Level 11, Midtown Centre, 150 Mary Street in Brisbane’s CBD.
From 8.30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays), customers wanting to access in-person tenancy information and support can visit our new front counter at Midtown Centre. It’s conveniently located just an eight-minute walk from Central Station and is close to key public and active transport hubs.
In line with this change of office address, the RTA has updated all RTA forms for general tenancies and rooming accommodation. A list of these updated forms and changes is outlined below.
Please ensure you download and use these latest form versions.
Updated RTA forms (general tenancies and rooming accommodation) |
Domestic and family violence notice ending tenancy |
Domestic and family violence notice ending residency |
Domestic and family violence report |
Entry condition report (general tenancies) Form 1a |
Entry condition report (moveable dwelling/site) Form 1b |
Condition report Form R1 |
Bond lodgement Form 2 |
Change of rental property Form 3 |
Refund of rental bond Form 4 |
Change of property manager/owner Form 5 |
Change of bond contributors Form 6 |
Signature record Form 8 |
Entry notice Form 9 |
Entry notice Form R9 |
Notice of lessor's intention to sell premises Form 10 |
Notice to remedy breach Form 11 |
Notice to remedy breach Form R11 |
Notice to leave Form 12 |
Notice to leave Form R12 |
Notice of intention to leave Form 13 |
Resident leaving form Form R13 |
Exit condition report (general tenancies) Form 14a |
Exit condition report (moveable dwelling/site) Form 14b |
Abandonment termination notice Form 15 |
Dispute resolution request Form 16 |
General tenancy agreement Form 18a |
Moveable dwelling tenancy agreement Form 18b |
Rooming accommodation agreement Form R18 |
Notice to vacate from mortgagee to tenant/s Form 19 |
Notice to vacate from mortgagee to resident/s Form R19 |
Update your details |
eServices account registration |
For tenancy information and support, please explore the renting section of our website or call the RTA on 1300 366 311 Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5pm, (excluding public holidays).
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Note: While the RTA makes every reasonable effort to ensure that information on this website is accurate at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after publication may impact on the accuracy of material. This disclaimer is in addition to and does not limit the application of the Residential Tenancies Authority website disclaimer.