New reminders help customers prepare to resolve disputes

New SMS and email reminders will better support RTA customers to prepare for their upcoming dispute resolution teleconferences.

The RTA’s dispute resolution service now sends reminders to customers 72 hours ahead of their teleconference with an impartial conciliator.

Property managers/owners will receive email reminders, and tenants/residents will receive both SMS and email reminders.

In the 2022–23 financial year, the RTA resolved over 75% of disputes where both parties agreed to participate.

RTA Director of Customer Experience Jennifer Lynch said the reminders are designed to keep customers fully informed about what to expect during the process, and provide links to practical information to help customers prepare.

“We want these sessions to be as valuable as possible, and that means providing our customers with information to help them feel confident and empowered to share information and negotiate in an open and respectful way,” Ms Lynch said.

“While we always encourage parties to work together to try and self-resolve tenancy issues in the first instance, our RTA dispute resolution service is always available if parties are unable to reach an agreement.”

If customers were able to self-resolve the issue with the other party in the meantime, they can email their intake officer to cancel the teleconference.  

Alongside the launch of the new reminder service, the RTA has also updated its dispute resolution website content to give customers a better understanding of each dispute option and what’s involved.  

Customers are reminded that official RTA electronic correspondence will always come from an email address. If you are suspicious of a request or an unexpected communication, do not click any links. You can always access the latest information and resources via the RTA website. 

Original publication on 19 Apr 2024
Last updated on 23 Apr 2024

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