New form makes it easier for Queensland’s rental community to report advertised properties if they don’t appear to meet minimum housing standards.
If you inspect a rental property or see one advertised online that doesn’t appear to meet minimum housing standards, you can now report it anonymously via our Report an advertised rental property for repair concerns form.
The RTA’s Compliance and Enforcement team will review your submission and proactively contact the property manager/owner as appropriate.
The form is only to be used for advertised properties. If you are involved in a current tenancy that you believe does not meet minimum housing standards, you should follow the options available in the minimum housing standards – general tenancies fact sheet or the minimum housing standards – rooming accommodation fact sheet.
Minimum housing standards aim to ensure all Queensland rental properties are safe, secure and functional.
Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies from 1 September 2023, meaning if a tenancy agreement is signed or renewed from this date, the property must meet minimum housing standards.
Minimum housing standards will come into effect for all remaining tenancies on 1 September 2024.
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