Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies (including renewed tenancy agreements) from 1 September 2023 and for all remaining tenancies from 1 September 2024.
The property manager/owner is responsible for ensuring the property is fit to live in, in a good state of repair and meets minimum housing standards. The tenant must notify them of any repairs needed.
If a tenant, or their guest, damages the property, they may have to pay for repairs.
Example: if a tenant breaks a window by throwing a ball through it, they are responsible and have to pay for repairs. Example: if a window falls out of the frame, and breaks, due to ageing putty that may be fair wear and tear and the property manager/owner may have to pay to repair.
The property manager/owner generally carries out any repairs or organises someone to do so.
There are two kinds of repairs:
- routine repairs
- emergency (general tenancies only).
The property manager/owner must carry out repairs within a reasonable time and comply with the entry rules.
If there are any delays with repairs, the RTA recommends property managers/owners inform the tenant and keep the lines of communication open until the repair is finalised.
Rental law changes around repairs
Repair orders
Changes to legislation around repairs came into effect on 1 October 2022. These changes included the introduction of repair orders.
A repair order is an order made by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) addressing repairs that are needed to the rental property or its inclusions. It ensures that managing parties take action to address repairs to a rental property and its inclusions in a timely manner.
A repair order will continue to apply to the rental property until it is complied with and does not expire with the ending of any particular residential tenancy agreement or change of ownership. This means a repair order can still be in place even though the tenancy, during which the repair order was made, has ended, or even if the property is sold.
QCAT will provide a copy of the repair order made and any time an extension is granted to the RTA. Non-compliance with a repair order is an offence and may be investigated by the RTA.
Applying for a repair order
To avoid issues with enforceability of a repair order tenants are encouraged to list all relevant parties – including the property owner in the application to QCAT. Although QCAT determines the content and specifics of a repair order, including the property owner on the application may help to clarify accountability, support compliance, and encourage timely repairs. The property owner’s details may be found in the tenancy agreement or by contacting the property manager/owner for the rental property.
Learn more about how to apply for a repair order in the Repair orders fact sheet.
Minimum housing standards
Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies (including renewed tenancy agreements) from 1 September 2023 and for all remaining tenancies from 1 September 2024. The property must meet minimum housing standards when the tenant moves in and throughout the tenancy agreement.
These standards apply to all types of tenancies, including general tenancies, moveable dwellings, and rooming accommodation agreements.
Repairs required to ensure the property meets minimum housing standards will be classified as emergency repairs.
Learn more on the minimum housing standards webpage.
Related resources
- Read the Repair orders fact sheet which outlines the process around repair orders and answers frequently asked questions.
- Watch the Repair orders and other amendments webinar or listen to the Repair orders and more podcast.
- Read the Minimum housing standards - general tenancies factsheet and the Minimum housing standards - rooming accommodation factsheet.
- Watch the Minimum housing standards webinar or listen to the Minimum housing standards podcast.