Rent and other bills

Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Learn more about the changes and what they mean for you. 


The amount of rent, and how it should be paid, must be stated in the tenancy agreement.

There are rules for rent increases and in some circumstances the rent may be decreased.

There are also rules about the non-payment of rent.

Non-payment of rent

If a tenant doesn't pay all the rent on the day it is due; the following day they are one day in arrears.

The property manager/owner cannot issue a breach notice until the tenant has been in arrears for a certain number of days. This number varies depending on the type of tenancy agreement.

Rent increases

It is an offence under the Act to increase the rent in less than 12 months. The 12-month period applies even if the last rent increase was related to a different tenancy agreement with another tenant or by a previous agent or owner of the property.

If the residential premises are a movable dwelling for a long tenancy, the 12-month period applies whether the last rent increase was for the dwelling, its site, or both.

As required by the Act, the property manager/owner must include the date of the last rent increase for the premises in the tenancy agreement (Form 18a/Form 18b/Form R18). 

Rent increase requirements do not apply to exempt property managers/owners or exempt providers. The Act provides definitions for an exempt property manager/owner and an exempt provider.

The requirement to provide evidence of a rent increase does not apply if the premises is purchased within 12 months of commencement, and the property manager/owner does not have information about the date of the last rent increase. For more information, please visit our Rent increases webpage. 

Rent decreases

Rent can be decreased under certain circumstances.

When the property manager/owner and tenant agree to reduce the rent, the agreement should be put in writing and may include:

  • how much the rent reduction will be
  • when the reduction will begin and end
  • any other relevant issues agreed upon.

 The agreement is signed by everyone and then forms part of the tenancy agreement.

If the tenant and the property manager/owner agreed to decrease the rent, or if the tenant applied to QCAT and QCAT made an order to decrease the rent, and the rent later reverts to the amount payable before the decrease, this is not considered a rent increase within the meaning of the limit within the 12-month period.

If the rent in a rooming accommodation agreement covers both accommodation and a service, the 12-month period only applies to rent increases.

Other bills

  • The tenant may have to pay for electricity and/or gas (and arrange connection).
  • A tenant may be charged for water if the property is individually metered (or water is delivered by vehicle) and the rental property is water efficient.
  • There are a number of payment options for properties with solar power.
  • The property manager/owner pays for rates, property insurance and land tax.
  • The tenant pays for contents insurance (if required for their possessions).