Bond refund for persons experiencing domestic and family violence (Form 4a)
v7 28Nov24
Tenants/residents and managing parties can use this form to request a rental bond refund for their bond contribution or a tenant/resident’s bond contribution once a tenant/resident’s interest in a tenancy/residency has ended on the grounds of experiencing domestic and family violence.
Tenants/residents and managing parties can use this form to request a rental bond refund for their bond contribution or a tenant/resident’s bond contribution once a tenant/resident’s interest in a tenancy/residency has ended on the grounds of experiencing domestic and family violence.
Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Further changes began on 30 September 2024. Learn more.
The vacating tenant or resident must provide a Notice ending tenancy interest (domestic and family violence) (Form 20) or Notice ending residency interest (domestic and family violence) (Form R20) to their property manager/owner, agent or manager/provider with relevant evidence before requesting their bond contribution to be refunded.
Note: The RTA can only process a rental bond refund after the tenant/resident has vacated the premises and their interest in the residential tenancy/rooming accommodation agreement has ended.
Filling out this form
In the interest of privacy and safety, tenants/residents who end their tenancy/residency interest on grounds of experiencing domestic and family violence are not required to provide their forwarding address to the property agent, lessor or manager/provider.
It is an offence for a person to knowingly give the RTA documents that contain false or misleading information. This applies to all forms of written communication to the RTA, not just submitting online forms. It also applies to anyone who provides information to the RTA, not just tenants/residents and property managers/owners.