The RTA’s latest COVID-19 conciliation data (4 September) has shown that 70 per cent of all conciliated tenancy disputes have been successfully resolved within an average of just over eight days.
Of the 2397 disputes conciliated by the RTA, 68% have related to rent arrears.
Under the Queensland Government’s temporary COVID-19 tenancy laws, tenants and property owners who are unable to reach an agreement together are required to undertake free, impartial conciliation through the RTA for COVID-19 disputes relating to rent arrears.
Both tenants and property owners/managers can access a range of helpful tips and resources via the RTA website to help them understand their rental rights and obligations during COVID-19, including how to negotiate temporary tenancy variations such as rent waivers or deferrals.
To find out more about how the RTA can help you during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit rta.qld.gov.au/covid,
**Notes for readers
The data referenced in this media release is correct as at 5pm on Friday 4 September 2020.
As of 5pm on 4 September, the total number of COVID-19 conciliated disputes was 2397, with 1669 (70%) resolved and 728 (30%) unresolved.
The RTA is the Queensland Government statutory authority that administers the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 and works with all sector groups including tenants, property managers and owners, community and industry stakeholder groups and the Queensland Government.
On 29 March 2020, National Cabinet agreed that states and territories would implement a moratorium on evictions for residential tenancies in financial distress due to the impacts of COVID-19.
The temporary Queensland changes are effective during the COVID-19 emergency, which lasts until 31 December 2020.
Note: While the RTA makes every reasonable effort to ensure that information on this website is accurate at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after publication may impact on the accuracy of material. This disclaimer is in addition to and does not limit the application of the Residential Tenancies Authority website disclaimer.