Minimum housing standards and updated RTA resources and forms
Minimum housing standards came into effect for new tenancies from 1 September 2023. This means if a tenancy agreement is signed or renewed from this date, the property must meet minimum housing standards.
Minimum housing standards will come into effect for all remaining tenancies on 1 September 2024. The new standards apply to all types of tenancies, including general tenancies, moveable dwellings, and rooming accommodation agreements.
To support customers with these changes, the RTA has created a list of FAQs and a range of resources, including:
- an animated video explaining minimum housing standards
- an animated video explaining emergency and routine repairs and repair orders
- Minimum housing standards – General tenancies factsheet
- Minimum housing standards – Rooming accommodation factsheet
- a recording of the RTA’s minimum housing standards webinar, which includes information on the reforms and takes questions from the live audience
- Talking Tenancies podcast episode about minimum housing standards, which deep-dives into the upcoming changes
- a short video explainer of minimum housing standards
- a webinar about how minimum housing standards apply in a body corporate, in conjunction with the Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management (BCCM).
We have also published a new minimum housing standards webpage.
Form updates
To reflect the changes around minimum housing standards, we have updated the following forms. Please ensure you download and use these latest versions.
Form | Updates |
Condition report (Form R1) |
Pocket guide for tenants – houses and units (Form 17a) |
Pocket guide for tenants – caravan parks (Form 17b) |
Pocket guide for tenants – houses and units (Form 17a), translated versions |
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