Bond lodgement (Form 2)

Bond lodgement (Form 2)
v8 May24

The Bond lodgement is used when lodging either a full or part-payment of rental bond money (for Queensland tenancies) with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).

The Bond lodgement is used when lodging either a full or part-payment of rental bond money (for Queensland tenancies) with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).

Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Learn more about the changes and what they mean for you. 

Bulk Bond Lodgement Web Service now available

Lodge bonds quickly and easily online via RTA Web Services. Use the Bond Lodgement Web Service to lodge single bonds and the Bulk Bond Lodgement Web Service to lodge and pay for multiple bonds in one transaction.  

The Bond lodgement should be used when:

  • lodging a full bond
  • paying off the bond, or
  • increasing the bond (weekly rent increases)

Lodging the bond

Only tenants who have contributed to the bond and the property manager/owner should fill out this form.


The property manager/owner must generally lodge all rental bonds with the RTA within 10 days. It is an offence not to do so and may result in a financial penalty.

The RTA will issue an Acknowledgement of rental bond to everyone listed on the bond to confirm lodgement.

Lodging the form

Rent increases

From 6 June 2024, it is a requirement to include the date of the last rent increase for the property on your bond lodgement form.

You can find the date of the last rent increase on your General Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a, Form 18b or Form R18) or alternatively ask your property manager/owner or provider.

The property manager/owner or provider must not increase, or propose to increase, the rent payable by a tenant/resident less than 12 months after the last rent increase for the residential premises or resident’s room.

Rent increase requirements do not apply to exempt property managers/owners or exempt providers. The Act provides definitions for an exempt property manager/owner and an exempt provider.

The requirement to provide evidence of a rent increase does not apply if the premises is purchased within 12 months of commencement, and the property manager/owner or provider does not have information about the date of the last rent increase. For more information, please visit our Rent increases webpage.