Rental bond

Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Further changes began on 30 September 2024. Learn more.

Bulk Bond Lodgement Web Service now available

Lodge bonds quickly and easily online via RTA Web Services. Use the Bond Lodgement Web Service to lodge single bonds and the Bulk Bond Lodgement Web Service to lodge and pay for multiple bonds in one transaction.

A rental bond is a security deposit paid at the start of the tenancy.

If the property manager/owner takes a bond, they must give the tenant a receipt and lodge it with the RTA within 10 days. It is an offence not to do so.

How much bond can be taken?

From 30 September 2024, the maximum bond allowed to be taken is equivalent to 4 weeks' rent for general tenancies and 2 weeks rent for moveable dwellings, or 3 weeks rent for moveable dwellings if electricity is provided regardless of the weekly rent amount.

The maximum amounts stated in the Act apply to all bonds, no matter what they are called (e.g. pet bond) or how many bonds are taken.

There are different rules where accommodation is provided by an employer. Check with the RTA for more information.

Lodging your bond with the RTA

A rental bond is lodged with the RTA Web Services, or by post, using a Bond lodgement (Form 2).

The date of the last rent increase must be included in the tenancy agreement. Tenants have the right to request written proof of the last rent increase during the tenancy, and the property manager or owner must provide this information within 14 days. However, these requirements do not apply in the following cases:

  • Exempt Lessors: the Act outlines who qualifies as an exempt lessor.
  • For properties purchased between 6 June 2023 and 6 June 2025: the requirement to include the date of the last rent increase in the tenancy agreement and to provide evidence of a rent increase upon the tenant’s request does not apply if the new owner or property manager does not have information about the previous rent increase.  
  • For properties being rented for the first time: the date of the last rent increase is the date the property is first rented.

Note: A property manager or owner is considered to have evidence of the last rent increase if they or their agent (such as a real estate agent, property manager, or lawyer) has this information.  

If you are concerned the rent increase may be less than 12 months since the last increase for the residential premises, you can ask the property manager/owner in writing to provide evidence of the date of the last increase.

Some rent increase rules do not apply to exempt property managers/owners. The Act provides definitions for an exempt property manager/owner. 

Bond refund

The bond is paid back to the tenant when the property is vacated, provided no money is owed for rent, damages or other costs.

Rental bonds lodged on or after 30 September 2024 require supporting evidence to be provided to a tenant/resident when a property manager/owner claims or disputes a bond refund request. This must be done within 14 days of the bond claim or dispute. Not providing supporting evidence to a tenant/resident when a claim or dispute is made against a bond is an offence.

For rental bonds lodged with the RTA before 30 September 2024, a 12 month transitional period from 30 September 2024 to 30 September 2025 applies. Evidence does not need to be provided for bond claims until after this period expires for bonds lodged with the RTA before 30 September 2024. 


Bond lodgement (Form 2)
v9 30Sep24

The Bond lodgement is used when lodging either a full or part-payment of rental bond money (for Queensland tenancies) with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).

Bond loans and rental grants

Learn about bond loans and rental grants and how to check if you are eligible on our bond loan webpage.