Update your details form

Update your details form
v4 30Sep24

Use this form to register your bank account details with the RTA if these have not already been provided on a Refund of rental bond (Form 4), which needs to be completed and submitted to the RTA to commence the refund process.

Use this form to register your bank account details with the RTA if these have not already been provided on a Refund of rental bond (Form 4), which needs to be completed and submitted to the RTA to commence the refund process.

The RTA's Update Your Details Web Service is the quickest and easiest way to keep your details up to date. You should only use this paper form if you’re unable to use the Web Service.  

This form can be used to update details including your name, address, bank account and tenancy end date.

The bank details provided will be kept on your record and will be used when refunding any bond payments.  

Bond refunds can only be paid into Australian bank accounts. The RTA cannot issue bond refunds via cheque. The RTA does not pay refunds into credit card or loan accounts. 

Lodging the form 

  • scan and email to: bonds@rta.qld.gov.au (file limit <5MB) 
  • post to: RTA, GPO Box 390, Brisbane Qld 4001 

It is an offence for a person to knowingly give the RTA documents that contain false or misleading information. This applies to all forms of written communication to the RTA, not just submitting online forms. It also applies to anyone who provides information to the RTA, not just tenants/residents and property managers/owners.

Important: If you are unable to use RTA Web Services, email or post and you need urgent help to submit an Update your details form, please contact us