Natural disasters

Severe storms, flooding, cyclones, bushfires and other natural disasters can cause major damage to a rental property.

To find out what to do if your property has been impacted by a natural disaster and work out next steps, read our:

RTA services impacted by natural disasters

During a natural disaster, there may be postal service disruptions across Queensland. These disruptions can cause delays in RTA processing times.

There are also other useful contacts who may be able to assist you during or after a natural disaster.

Get support

In an emergency

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000). 

Disaster management 

During a disaster, follow active public safety directives and check the latest information available from:

Your local council will also provide up to date information relating to adverse weather and natural disasters in your area. Visit their website to access their disaster management page and to sign up for automated alerts. 

Other information and assistance