RTA releases Stakeholder Engagement Framework and invites sector feedback

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has today published its Stakeholder Engagement Framework 2024-26, which sets out how the RTA will engage with rental sector stakeholders.

The RTA has a broad range of stakeholders including peak bodies and associations, tenant advocacy and support groups, community housing and homelessness services, government agencies and many more. The framework sets out the engagement principles and approach that the RTA will use to work with stakeholders to improve service delivery and drive positive outcomes and experiences for customers.

The framework was developed in consultation with stakeholders to address the diverse needs and perspectives of the Queensland rental sector. Over 25 organisations provided feedback earlier this year on how the RTA engages with stakeholders and how engagement can be improved.

The intent of the framework is to ensure that the RTA engages with rental sector stakeholders in a consistent and objective way, and that we leverage stakeholder insights to improve our services and support our vision of renting that works for everyone.

The framework aligns with the RTA Strategic Plan 2022-26 and has four principles:

  • Purposeful: we engage with stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner and with a legitimate purpose aligned to our role.
  • Proactive: we engage stakeholders at the right time with information they need while proactively addressing changes in the sector.
  • Collaborative: we embrace co-creation and collaboration as integral to engagement and to help shape tailored solutions for customers.
  • Accessible: we elevate diversity in our engagement and service delivery and consider the needs of vulnerable customers.

The framework outlines the RTA’s engagement approach, which, depending on the topic or activity, may be to inform, consult, involve or collaborate with stakeholders.

Stakeholders can provide feedback on the framework and tell us more about how they’d like us to engage with them by completing a short survey.

Original publication on 11 Sep 2024
Last updated on 16 Dec 2024

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