
Changes to Queensland rental laws came into effect from 6 June 2024. Further changes began on 30 September 2024. Learn more.

The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) does not apply to residential tenancy agreements for boarders or lodgers, or residents who are boarders or lodgers in a rooming accommodation agreement. However, if a bond is taken from a boarder or lodger, rental bond provisions in the Act apply and it must be lodged with the RTA within 10 days, and a receipt provided.

Where the owner/head tenant lives on the premises and there are not more than three rooms available for occupation (or occupied) by residents, provisions for rental bonds apply from 6 June 2024. If a bond is taken, it must be lodged with the RTA within 10 days.

The Act does cover a tenant in rooming accommodation who may be considered a type of boarder or lodger (e.g. someone who lives in a boarding house, supported accommodation or hostel).

If there is uncertainty about whether a person is classified as a boarder/lodger or a tenant under the Act, call the RTA on 1300 366 311 or make an urgent application to QCAT for a decision.