Entry and privacy fact sheet

Entry and privacy fact sheet

The owner/manager must take reasonable steps to ensure tenants have quiet enjoyment of their rented home. This means the owner/manager must not interfere with the tenant’s reasonable peace, comfort and privacy in using the premises.

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The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) is the main law that governs renting a place to live in Queensland. This fact sheet contains information on how the Act applies when an owner/manager wants to enter the premises.

The owner/manager must take reasonable steps to ensure tenants have quiet enjoyment of their rented home. This means the owner/manager must not interfere with the tenant’s reasonable peace, comfort and privacy in using the premises.

However, owner/managers have the right to enter premises to inspect them and to carry out maintenance and management tasks if they follow the Act’s processes.

Can the owner/manager enter if the tenant is not present?

Tenants do not have to be present for an entry unless it is a condition of an agreed entry. However, the RTA recommends the owner/manager enters at a time the tenant can be present.

What if the tenant doesn’t want the owner/manager to enter?

Even if a tenant disagrees, the owner/manager can enter the premises if the correct notice has been given and the entry is at a reasonable time.

However, the owner/manager cannot enter if they do not enter during the time period specified on the Entry notice (Form 9).

For what reasons can the owner/manager enter?

The owner/manager can enter the premises for reasons set out in the Act (refer to table). Notice must be given in writing on a form called an Entry notice.

The owner/manager can enter at any time without notice if the tenant agrees, but only at the time agreed to by the tenant.

The owner/manager can also enter at any time without notice in an emergency, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe entry is necessary to protect the premises from damage.

The amount of notice the owner/manager must give depends on the reason for entering the premises.

ReasonNotice required
To inspect7 days
To carry out repairs or maintenance24 hours
To check repairs or maintenance has been completed as requested24 hours
To check the tenant has fixed a significant breach* after being given a Notice to remedy breach (Form 11). Entry is limited to two weeks of the expiry of the Form 1124 hours
To comply with smoke alarm laws24 hours
To comply with safety switch laws24 hours
To carry out repairs where the premises is remote and there is a shortage of qualified repairersNone
To show a prospective tenant or purchaser the premises24 hours
To carry out a valuation24 hours
To check if the premises are abandoned**24 hours

* Significant breach is a breach relating to any of the following:

  • using the premises for an illegal purpose
  • exceeding the number of occupants allowed
  • keeping a pet on the premises without the owner/manager's permission, or
  • another matter, if the reasonable cost of rectifying the matter exceeds one weeks rent for the premises.

** For more information, see the Lease break, abandonment and goods left behind fact sheet.

What if the owner/manager is looking for another tenant or wants to sell the premises?

An owner/manager can only enter to show the premises to a prospective tenant:

An Entry notice must also be given allowing 24 hours notice of the entry.

An owner/manager may only enter the premises to show a prospective purchaser if a Notice of lessor’s intention to sell premises (Form 10) was issued before, or with, the Entry notice.

An owner/manager can only hold an open house or on-site auction if the tenant agrees in writing.

To help protect the privacy of tenants, photos showing a tenant’s possessions, for example in advertising, can only be used if the tenant agrees in writing.

There are privacy considerations and notice periods that must be observed in the event that a tenant ends their agreement due to Domestic and Family Violence reasons.

Entry by selling agent

The selling agent must give an Entry notice allowing 24 hours notice of the entry.

If the tenant does not know the selling agent, they can request written evidence of their appointment from the owner/manager before they agree to entry. Where an agent is not the renting agent, they must give an Entry notice to the tenant and a copy to the renting agent. They must also give the renting agent a copy of the Notice of lessor’s intention to sell premises.

Are there any limits to entry?

  • The owner/manager can only enter the premises on a Sunday, public holiday, or between 6pm and 8am with the tenant’s agreement.
  • The owner/manager renting or selling the premises must specify on the Entry notice a two-hour time period during which they intend to enter the premises. The owner/manager must enter the property during the stated two-hour period. They can stay in the property past the end of the two-hour period to complete the job. This does not apply to entry by other people such as tradespeople or valuers, alone or with the owner/manager.
  • The owner/manager must not allow a prospective buyer to enter the premises unaccompanied, unless the tenant agrees.
  • General inspections cannot take place more than once every three months, unless the tenant agrees. The owner/manager and tenant may also agree to less frequent inspections.
  • For entry to show the premises to prospective purchasers or tenants, reasonable time must have elapsed since the last entry for the same reason.

Are the rules different for moveable dwellings?

Except for the following situations, the entry rules are the same for moveable dwelling tenancies:

  • The owner/manager for a moveable dwelling tenancy in a moveable dwelling park may include a term in a tenancy agreement stating when and how they may enter the site only to carry out maintenance (e.g. to mow the lawn). When this occurs as per the agreement, an Entry notice is not needed.
  • The owner/manager for a short tenancy (moveable dwelling) may enter to inspect the premises giving 24 hours notice via an Entry notice.

How can the tenant dispute an entry?

If the tenant feels their right to quiet enjoyment of the premises is being breached, they should start by discussing this with the owner/manager. If this is unsuccessful, the tenant can give a Notice to remedy breach (Form 11) to the owner/manager.

Either party can request tenancy dispute resolution online via RTA Web Services, or by submitting a completed paper Dispute resolution request (Form 16) to the RTA. Conciliators at the RTA are impartial and do not advocate for either party. They guide the conciliation process but cannot make a decision on the outcome of the dispute.

Important: Help is available for customers who are unable to use RTA Web Services or post. Please call us on 1300 366 311 if you require urgent help to submit a Dispute resolution request form. Your options will be discussed on a case by case basis.

If disputing parties cannot reach agreement through conciliation, a Notice of unresolved dispute will be issued. The person who lodged the initial dispute resolution request may choose to apply to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for a decision. Parties can also apply to QCAT for an urgent matter (as listed in the Act).

Further information

For more information contact the Residential Tenancies Authority.

Accessing RTA forms

The RTA’s forms can be obtained electronically or in person by contacting us.

 Interpreter symbolOther languages: You can access a free interpreter service by calling the RTA on 1300 366 311 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5:00pm).