Outstanding bond payments factsheet

Outstanding bond payments factsheet

How to check if you are owed any bond monies.

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Option 1: Login to RTA Web Services

If you know your bond number, update your details using RTA Web Services. If you have any outstanding bond payments, they will be refunded to you automatically when your details are updated.

This is the quickest way to claim any monies owed to you.

Option 2: Submit an online enquiry form

If you do not know your bond number, you can submit an Outstanding Bond Payments enquiry form through the RTA website. This will give our RTA processing team the information they need to search for and respond to you regarding any outstanding bond monies. You must be able to provide sufficient details related to your tenancy for the RTA to identify you. The RTA will assess if the details you provided match to any outstanding bond payments and will notify you via email within two weeks of your enquiry.

Option 3: Email or post an Update your details paper form

Complete the RTA’s Update your details form and email it us or post to:

GPO Box 390
Brisbane Qld 4001