Rental bonds for rooming accommodation fact sheet
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) provides rules for collecting rental bonds in rooming accommodation, such as boarding houses, hostels, and on and off-campus student accommodation in Queensland.
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) provides rules for collecting rental bonds in rooming accommodation, such as boarding houses, hostels, and on and off-campus student accommodation in Queensland.
Rental bond
A rental bond is money paid by the resident to the provider/agent at the start of the Rooming accommodation agreement (Form R18), as financial security in case the resident breaches the terms of their agreement. A key deposit is considered a rental bond.
It is not compulsory to charge a rental bond. Where a rental bond is charged, the provider/agent must lodge it with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) within 10 days of receipt. The maximum bond allowed to be taken is equivalent to 4 weeks' rent, regardless of the weekly rent amount. If the provider is the resident's employer and gives the resident a rental subsidy, the maximum bond is $400 or the equivalent of 4 weeks rent (whichever is greater). If the provider/agent receives the rental bond by instalments, different rules apply.
All initial rental bond payments to the RTA must be made with a completed Bond lodgement (Form 2).
If a rental bond is charged, a Condition report – Rooming accommodation (Form R1) must also be completed.
Rental bond instalments
A provider/agent may receive a rental bond in part payments, or instalments. Once all instalments have been received, the provider/agent must give the rental bond to the RTA within 10 days.
If the agreement is ended before all of the rental bond instalments are received, the provider/agent must give the instalments received to the RTA within 10 days of the agreement ending along with a completed Bond lodgement.
If the agreement has not ended and the provider/agent has still not received the final instalment three months after receiving the first rental bond instalment, the provider/agent must give the instalments received to the RTA within 10 days along with a completed Bond lodgement. Any subsequent instalments received must be paid to the RTA within 10 days of being received along with another Bond lodgement form.
How is bond money refunded?
See below for a chart outlining how the RTA deals with bond refunds.
Claim on bond:
Rental bonds lodged on or after 30 September 2024 will require supporting evidence to be provided to a tenant/resident when a property manager/owner claims or disputes a bond refund request. This must be done within 14 days of the bond claim or dispute. Not providing supporting evidence to a tenant/resident when a claim or dispute is made against a bond is an offence.
For rental bonds lodged with the RTA before 30 September 2024, a 12 month transitional period from 30 September 2024 to 30 September 2025 applies. Evidence does not need to be provided for bond claims until after this period expires for bonds lodged with the RTA before 30 September 2024.
Dealing with bond disputes
Disagreements may arise between residents and providers/agents about rental bonds.
Residents and providers/agents can usually resolve their disputes by talking to each other and finding out about their rights and responsibilities under the Act. If this does not work, the RTA’s dispute resolution service may be able to help. If the resident and the provider/agent still can not agree after dispute resolution, an application may be made to the Tribunal for a decision.
What happens if an application to QCAT for a hearing about a bond dispute is withdrawn or dismissed?
The RTA will release a bond according to the original refund request if QCAT dismisses a bond dispute hearing or the application is withdrawn.
How the RTA deals with bond refunds (flow chart)
Further information
For more information contact the Residential Tenancies Authority.
Accessing RTA forms
The RTA’s forms can be obtained electronically or in person by contacting us.
![]() | Other languages: You can access a free interpreter service by calling the RTA on 1300 366 311 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5.00pm). |