RTA Web Services


The RTA reminds customers to regularly update your passwords using strong passphrases, watch for any unauthorised online account transactions, be alert when clicking on links within emails, and follow the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s advice to protect your information and stay safe online. Learn how the RTA keeps your data safe

RTA Web Services make updating your bond details and completing essential tenancy transactions faster, easier, and more convenient for all parties.

Note: If you do not have Australian-issued identification and cannot verify your digital identity through QGov, you can use the RTA’s paper-based forms or call our Contact Centre for assistance.

Online Bond Refund

RTA Web Services allows you to request partial or full bond refunds quickly and conveniently.

Online Bond Lodgement

The online bond lodgement system allows you to lodge your bond electronically using BPAY or credit card.

Online Bulk Bond Lodgement

The Bulk Bond Lodgement Web Service allows you to lodge/increase multiple bonds and pay for them in one transaction.

Online Update Your Details

RTA Web Services allows you to update your personal and banking details quickly, securely and conveniently.

Online Tenancy Dispute Resolution

This Web Service can be used to request conciliation for tenancy disputes between the property managers/owners and tenants/residents. Either the managing party or the tenant can submit a request for RTA dispute resolution. 

Online Change of Bond Contributors

RTA’s Change of Bond Contributors Web Service is used to change bond contributors when tenants leave or move into the property or change how the bond is distributed and how much of the total amount is allocated to each contributor.  

Online Bond Search

This Web Service can be used by property managers acting on behalf of an organisation or joint lessors to view, search and download bond lists. 

Understanding QGov

QGov is the Queensland Government’s secure, digital identity verification platform.  RTA Web Services is one of a number of Queensland Government online services that require a customer login.  

Additional QGov Assistance

QGov assistance provides information on how to verify your identity if you are unable to verify your identity digitally.

Email address requirements

There are requirements for providing email addresses to the RTA. It's important to provide valid email addresses and update email addresses with the RTA.