About us

The RTA is the Queensland Government statutory body that administers the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act). The RTA is responsible to the Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Youth.

From July 2022, the Queensland Government is providing the RTA with a grant to fund our operations. Rather than being invested to earn interest, bond monies received from customers are now held in an operating bank account that is not subject to fluctuations in global financial markets.

We work with all sector groups including tenants, property managers and owners, community and industry stakeholder groups and the Queensland Government.

We provide tenancy information, bond management, dispute resolution, compliance and enforcement, and education services.

Our vision

Renting that works for everyone

Our promise to you

We want you to know what you can expect whenever you contact us. This Client service charter is our commitment to provide you with the best possible service.

RTA Careers

The RTA promotes a customer-focused culture that supports organisational learning, innovation and high performance. We are committed to equal opportunity in employment and selection to advertised positions is on the basis of merit only and fair consideration.

Organisational structure

The RTA is governed by a 7-member Board comprising a Chairperson and 6 directors. The RTA organisational structure consists of the Chief Executive Officer and 5 divisions.

Right to information

The Queensland Government is committed to providing access to information held by the Government unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest.